Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Paint Kids' Bedrooms

A child's bedroom should be a place where he can go to feel comfortable and let his imagination run wild. To help accomplish this, you can paint your child's bedroom to fit his personality. It doesn't take a lot of effort to add a personal touch to your child's bedroom during the painting process. With a few stencils and a creative combination of paint colors, you can give your child a personalized bedroom that will put a smile on his face.


1. Decide on the design you want to accomplish. Choose a theme that fits your child's personality or represents a favorite subject. Ideas might include Disney themes, a space theme, a military theme, race car theme, Strawberry Shortcake, or My Little Pony themes. The possibilities are only limited to your child's imagination. You can purchase pre-made stencils for many of these themes at hobby and art supply shops. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can cut out coloring book images to make your own stencils.

2. Begin by painting the bedroom wall with a roller and an edging brush, applying the main color for the room. In many instances, unless you have a specific color in mind that goes with the theme, consider bright, cheerful colors. Bright rooms typically go over well with children. Let the room dry thoroughly while you lay out the stencils for easy access during the next phase.

3. Apply the stencils next. You can select several stencils to create a mini-story or just use a couple of different stencils to add variety to the room. A race car theme, for instance, might include two or three different race cars, either applied to the wall or as a border, with the cars alternating.

4. Apply the paint to your stencil outline using a thin brush and dark paint. Go ahead and apply all of the stencils first, so when you go back to paint the color onto them, you can have all of the stencil outlines done and have everything put up for a clean area to work in as you paint.

Tags: your child, child bedroom, might include, paint your, race theme, your child bedroom