Friday, September 16, 2011

Install Glass Tiles In A Bathroom

Glass tiles are easy to install in a bathroom. Their non-porous surface makes them easy to keep clean. Available in many colors, sizes and arrangement styles, a glass tile installation can fit into any decor. You may install glass tile on the floors of the bathroom as well as the walls, but glass does break easily. If there's a chance that the glass tiles are going to come in contact with repeated bumps with a sharp or heavy object, the tiles may eventually break.


1. Install a layer of cement backer board to the bathroom walls by screwing or nailing it into the studs in the wall. Never install glass tile directly over drywall or plywood. Caulk the joints with silicone caulking and cover the joints with mesh tape.

2. To keep moisture out of the area behind the glass tiles, also install a layer of crack suppression membrane. Some products are peel and stick, while you staple others in place.

3. Apply the recommended thickness of thin-set mortar for the size of glass you are installing. Put the thin-set on the wall or floor first with the smooth side of a notched trowel. Next create the grooves with the notched side of the trowel. Finally smooth off the points created by the notches with the smooth side of the trowel. Only set enough thin set to do a small area in the bathroom at a time.

4. Use the smooth side of the notched trowel to "butter" the back of the glass tile with a thin layer of thin set. Set the glass tile into position. You should not be able to see the thin-set grooves through the glass.

5. Repeat the process of applying thin set to sections of the wall or floor and setting the tiles until you finish the glass tile installation. Allow the thin set to dry. Follow label recommendations for the proper drying time.

6. Use a glazier's tool to cut pieces of glass tile. Glass nippers can help you cut odd sized shapes from the glass tiles. If you are working with large glass tiles, you can use a wet saw with a diamond blade to cut the glass tiles.

7. Use a grout float to work grout in between the glass tiles. Work the float diagonally across the tiles to help push the grout into the cracks. Wipe up excess grout with the edge of the float. When the grout hazes over on the tiles, wipe off excess with a damp sponge.

8. Allow the glass tiles to dry before using them. For walls and floors, this typically takes seven days. For showers and areas where the grout has water exposure, allow 28 days.

Tags: glass tile, glass tiles, glass tiles, smooth side, glass tile installation