Monday, June 18, 2012

Paint Bedroom Furniture

Since quality furniture is a hefty investment, it stands to reason that you want to make it work with your design style for years on end. Because some types of furniture have finishes or details that date them, it can be difficult to integrate your old furniture into your new style when you redecorate your space. Luckily it is easy and inexpensive to refinish your bedroom pieces to give them a fresh new look and longer life in your home.


1. Wear safety goggles and a painter's mask to avoid breathing in fumes or fine dust. Remove any hardware or handles from the pieces with a screwdriver. Lightly sand the surface of the furniture to allow the furniture stripper to penetrate more easily. Some brands do not suggest sanding first, so read the instructions on the product you select.

2. Wear gloves to prevent the stripper from getting on your hands. Apply the stripper with a paintbrush, making sure to paint in thick, even strokes. Work the product into all the cracks and crevices, and allow it to sit on the furniture for the suggested amount of time.

3. Use the putty knife to scrape off the finish once it has bubbled up. A toothbrush might work best in the crevices of the piece.

4. Apply thin coats of a semi-gloss latex paint to the furniture, allowing each coat to dry completely before adding the next. Use a smooth roller for the main body of the piece, and paint with a brush to tackle joints, decorative elements and small areas. Once the piece is painted and dry, reattach the hardware, and place the finished furniture back into the room.

Tags: allow furniture