Thursday, June 7, 2012

Decorate A Tween Girl'S Bedroom

Make your tween's bedroom the perfect place for her.

Many tweens are eager to make their mark on the world, and often, the first place they can make this mark, is in their bedroom. If you're ready to tackle the task of transforming your tween's room from a place for a child to a space appropriate for an adolescent, consider the impact that your child's age should have on your decorating plan. By crafting a space that is reflective of your tween and her interests, you can ensure that she feels at home in this room.


1. Set a budget. Select a rough amount of cash that you want to invest in the project. Consider how frequently you want to redecorate the space, as well as how fickle your tween is, when deciding upon this budget. If your tween constantly wants a change, it may be wise to invest less money as she might be eager to redecorate quickly.

2. Give your tween input in the design. While you don't need to leave the entire design process up to your tween, it is often advantageous to give her some voice. You may not want to allow her to decorate the entire room in reflection of her favorite heart throb, but allowing her to include accents of this celebrity in the room gives her the chance to customize her space.

3. Select a color pallet and dominant theme. Pick colors that contrast well and reflect your tween's personality. If your tween is a girly-girl, a pink and green room may be perfect for her. If she enjoys sports, decorating her room with her team colors may be a good way to reflect her team spirit.

4. Craft a space for studying. Your tween will soon advance from middle school into the more challenging world of high school and, when she does, studying is even more important. Allow space in her room for these academic efforts by setting up a desk space.

5. Plan a cozy bed space. Use your tween's childhood bed, or replace it with a larger, more adult option. Dress the bed in linens that reflect the color pallet you selected to ensure continuity in your design.

6. Add a seating area, if space allows. Place a chair, sofa or love seat in your tween's room, so she has a place to relax during late-night slumber parties. If you don't have a piece of furniture that matches your planned decor, make one by using a slip cover to give an old piece a face-lift.

7. Integrate photos into the design. Many tween girls delight in showing off pictures of themselves and their friends. Allow for this by placing a cork board or memo board on the wall and using frames heavily in your design.

Tags: your tween, your tween, color pallet, tween room, your design, your tween room