Monday, June 25, 2012

Remove A Bathroom Sink P Trap

Remove a Bathroom Sink P Trap

The bathroom sink P trap is the two sections of pipe between the house wall plumbing and the sink drain. The P trap design prevents large objects like jewelry from going into the house line by catching the items in the bottom of the pipe. Unfortunately, this area clogs up with hair and other particles eventually requiring replacement of the P trap. The P trap can be removed from the sink in one piece.


1. Place a bucket under the middle of the P trap to catch the water that is in the drain.

2. Loosen the slip nut securing the top of the P trap to the sink drain pipe with a pair of channel lock pliers. Do not remove the slip nut from the drain pipe.

3. Turn the nut securing the rear of the P trap to the house pipe coming from the wall with the slip joint pliers. Loosen the slip nut in the middle of the P trap that connects the P trap wall pipe to the front portion of the P trap.

4. Hold the middle of the P trap, and remove the wall slip nut and sink drain slip nut completely by hand. Pull the P trap assembly away from the sink.

Tags: middle trap, sink drain, Bathroom Sink, Bathroom Sink Trap, drain pipe, from sink