Thursday, September 30, 2010

Frame A Bathroom Wall Mirror

Decorative trim molding creates an impressive frame for a plain mirror.

Plain bathroom mirrors are perfect candidates for framing, even by a novice. Since they are usually attached to the wall with adhesive, you don't have to worry about removing the mirror, finding a helper or managing the weight of a large piece of glass. Stock molding, available at home centers, comes in a variety of styles. Using rosettes, which are decorative squares of wood, at the corners removes the need for more-difficult angled cuts, explains Easy Renovate.


1. Measure across the top of the mirror. Use a pencil to mark a length of decorative molding with that measurement.

2. Set your miter saw at zero and place the molding, decorative side up, on the saw platform against the back fence. Align your mark with the center of the saw's cutting path. Activate the saw and lower the handle, cutting the trim to the correct length.

3. Place the trim along the top edge of the mirror and check the fit. It should be exactly as long as the mirror is wide, not extending past the corners. If it is too long, mark it for trimming and cut again with the miter saw. Cutting the molding pieces the exact length of the mirror edges leaves an opening at each corner where the rosette squares will fit.

4. Measure the bottom and side pieces using the same method, always making sure each piece is the same length as the mirror edge where it will go. Lightly sand away any rough edges from the cuts, as noted by Bob Vila.

5. Spread out newspaper or a drop cloth on a flat surface. Place the molding pieces on the surface, decorative side up. Paint or stain each piece to your personal taste and allow the pieces to dry before installing, advises WoodCentral.

6. Apply construction adhesive to the back of the top molding strip. Apply it to the wall along the top edge of the mirror, aligning it corner to corner. Make sure the molding sets tight against the edge of the mirror.

7. Apply construction adhesive to the back of the next molding strip. Place it on the wall snug against the mirror's edge. Align it at the corners. Apply a strip of painter's tape to the trim and attach the ends of the tape to the wall and the mirror to prevent sliding before the adhesive dries.

8. Apply molding strips around the rest of the mirror with the same technique, using tape to keep the pieces in place.

9. Apply construction adhesive to the back of each molding rosette. Arrange them on the wall in the spaces between molding strips at each corner of the mirror. Secure each rosette to the mirror and the wall with painter's tape.

10. Remove all strips of painter's tape once the construction adhesive is dry.

Tags: construction adhesive, adhesive back, Apply construction, Apply construction adhesive, construction adhesive back