Friday, August 7, 2009

Keep A Bedroom Clutterfree

An organized bedroom is a peaceful space.

The bedroom is one of the most lived-in spaces in a home. This heavy usage can cause your bedroom to become a haven for clutter relating to your everyday life, such as extra clothes, shoes, books and toys. Organizing the bedroom and making it clutter-free requires proper storage devices so that every item has a place. Once you have the proper storage, commit to keeping each item in its place when you are not using it.


1. Keep a decorative but functional storage trunk at the foot of your bed. Place extra sheets, blankets and pillows in the trunk so that they are easily accessible and do not clutter up your closets.

2. Put a clothes hamper in the bedroom. Put dirty clothes in the hamper as soon as you are done wearing them so that they do not clutter up the floor.

3. Sort through your dresser drawers. Throw or give away anything that does not fit, has irremovable stains or tears, or that you have not worn in over two years. Organize the rest of the clothes by type and place them back in the drawers. For your delicates, install drawer dividers so certain items are easier to find.

4. Repeat the sorting of your clothes in your closet. Discard anything that doesn't fit or is worn out. Having an organized closet makes it more likely that you will hang up clean clothes when doing laundry.

5. Separate any clothes that are out of season from both your closet and your dresser and put them into plastic storage bins. Keep the bins under the bed.

6. Install an over-the-door shoe organizer on the back of the closet door if your closet does not have a shoe rack. Replace your shoes in their organizer every night when you step out of them instead of placing them on the floor.

7. Place a nightstand equipped with a drawer next to your bed. Replace miscellaneous items accrued on the top of the stand during the day, such as a television remote, medications, portable electronics or any other clutter, in the drawer each night. Set a storage basket under the nightstand to hold books or magazines.

8. Purchase an armoire to store large electronic devices, such as a television and stereo system, if you plan to keep such items in your bedroom. Store your DVD or CD collection in the drawers. Keep the doors closed when not in use.

9. Keep a basket by the bedroom door for out-of-place items. During the day, put anything that does not belong in the bedroom into the basket. Return these items to their proper locations at the end of the day before you go to bed.

Tags: anything that, your closet, anything that does, clothes hamper, item place, proper storage, such television