Monday, September 23, 2013

Toddler Boy Bedroom Ideas

While your toddler boy's bedroom might often resemble a tornado site, it's easy to create a stylish, organized space where your little guy can have great fun and good sleep. Transform your toddler's room with space-saving storage solutions, eye-catching beds and an art table.


Organize your toddler's room by creating specific areas where certain types of objects should go. Not only will this make it quicker and easier to tidy the room, but you'll also be easily able to find things the next time you want them. Enlist your toddler to help with cleanup by showing him where everything should go. Buy brightly colored plastic or wooden bins and label them with what they'll contain: one might hold balls, another art supplies. Get Organized makes bins with a chalkboard panel on one side, so you can label each bin's contents.

Beds and Storage

Make your toddler's bed the focal point of his room. It can also be a great place for toy storage. There are lots of fun boy beds on the market, from trucks to fire engines to boats. Many of them have built-in storage compartments. Alternatively, consider getting your little guy a bunk bed: Right now, he can sleep on the bottom and you can store toys on the top, although that means you'll need to climb up and get them yourself and install a childproof device on the ladder until he's old enough to climb it. A bunk bed can grow with your child; when he gets bigger, he can take the top bunk and use the bottom for a play or storage area. The bottom bunk may even come in handy for a little brother or sister.

Wall Organizers

If your toddler's room is small, with no room for a shelf, hang a wall organizer. These long strips of pockets are often made of colorful fabric. To save even more space, hang them over the bedroom or closet doors. Designate which toys go in which pockets and show your toddler. Make sure the toys you're putting in the organizer aren't too heavy for it; warn your toddler that he can't put very heavy toys in the organizer, or it might fall off the wall. These organizers help declutter your son's room and do double duty as wall art.

A Space for Art

Get your toddler a small table and a couple of kids' chairs. These will serve many purposes, but one great way to use the table is as an art space. Tape a big piece of butcher paper to the table and let your toddler have at it with child-safe paints, crayons and markers. When your son decides he has completed his latest piece of art, take the paper off, store it carefully and tape a fresh piece onto the table.

Tags: your toddler, toddler room, your toddler room, room also, your little