Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Paint A Dining Room Red

Without the right primer, painting with red can require many coats.

If you have never painted with the color red, you could be in for a surprise. Dark colors, and red in particular, are noted for needing many coats to get adequate coverage. This is because darker colors, such as red, require a higher ratio of pigment to base than do other colors. The base, however, is what gives you that nice coverage. If you are planning on painting your dining room red, you can use a few tricks to get good coverage with a minimal number of coats.


1. Tape off your trim and window sills to prevent any primer or paint from being applied in the wrong places. Put down drop clothes to protect your flooring.

2. Apply a red or gray primer to the areas you want to cover with red paint. Because red paint is a thinner paint than most other colors, a red or gray primer helps to cover the previous wall color and will allow for fewer coats of the red paint.

3. Roll the red paint on with a roller that has a nap less than 3/8 of an inch. Because of the lower percentage of base, red is a thinner paint. Using a roller with a nap greater than 3/8 of an inch will lead to drips and runs.

4. Repeat Step 3 until you achieve desired coverage.

Tags: gray primer, many coats, other colors, than inch, thinner paint