Monday, July 23, 2012

Fun Teen Bedroom Ideas

Colorful teen bedroom.

The right decor in a teenager's room will keep him smiling and hanging out at home. During these crucial years, keep their personal home space fun and comfortable so they will enjoy spending time there. Allow your teen to have the final say on colors and design.

Turn up the Heat

Use a flame theme for a teen boy, or a girl who likes it hot. Paint the bottom and top of the walls black and design large flames climbing the walls in shades of orange, red and yellow. Use this paint technique on all the walls, opposite walls or on one accent wall. Make the flames realistic for a harder look, or more cartoon-like for a fun or more gentle approach. Outline the design in black for a darker look or yellow for a brighter look. Use a bright orange or red carpet. Lay plain black or flame-patterned rugs on the floor to break up the solid carpet. Choose plain red, orange, yellow traditional or beanbag chairs. Spice up plain black bedding with multiple red and yellow throw pillows. Cover tables and desks with flame-patterned materials. Use stuffed animals around the room in matching colors to lighten the mood for a girl or model cars painted with flames for boys.

Welcome to the Jungle

Use a jungle theme to put more fun into a teen's bedroom. Start with green or brown carpet to mimic a jungle floor. Paint murals of jungle trees, shrubs and underbrush on all the walls to engulf the room in the idea, opposite walls for a slightly lighter look or an accent wall for the least saturation. Discard the traditional bed and hang a hammock across the farthest corner of the room from the door. Be sure to attach the hammock to studs in the wall for security. Add a second hammock for a shared room. Place large stuffed tigers and gorillas around the room. Hang monkeys and jungle-related birds along the walls. Use multiple large fake plants in all open areas and hang vines from the ceiling and down the walls.


Turn a teens room into a bright and fun place with smiley faces. Use the teen's preference to create a base wall color of either black or white. Paint an extra-large, bright yellow smiley face on the main or accent wall of the room. Outline the face in white for black walls, or black for white walls. Paint smaller smiley faces randomly on the remaining walls. Vary the size of the faces for a more fun or playful look. Cover the bed with a matching yellow bedspread or comforter. Find stuffed smiley face pillows to accent the bed covering. Lay black carpet and use smiley face covered rugs or plain yellow rugs.

Tags: accent wall, smiley face, around room, black white, opposite walls