Friday, November 20, 2009

What Causes Cold Bedrooms

Drafty windows and poor insulation are common causes for cold bedrooms.

A cold bedroom is an uncomfortable bedroom, though detecting the source of the problem can be difficult. Stop-gap measures such as space heaters, electric blankets and hot water bottles can present fire or scalding hazards and are often cumbersome or ineffective. To keep your bedroom consistently warm, familiarize yourself with the common, underlying reasons for chilliness.

Poor Exposure

Sunlight can often make the difference between a cold bedroom and a warm bedroom. Lack of sunlight during the day can exacerbate other negative conditions, such as dampness, that can lower the temperature in a room at night. Increasing exposure to sunlight is also one of the most cost effective and environmentally friendly ways of heating a room. If you have a choice of rooms, favor bedrooms that have southern exposure to increase the amount of direct sunlight you receive during the day. Prune braches or ivy that may be blocking sunlight from entering your room, and keep windows clean. Lastly, make sure to keep your curtains open during the day.

Inadequate Insulation

Inadequate insulation is common in older homes, but can also plague newer ones if improperly implemented. Lack of effective insulation is often a cause of "mysterious" coldness in a room because it is generally difficult to identify. If you cannot find the cause of coldness in your bedroom after a thorough inspection, you may want to have a contractor or environmental specialist examine your bedroom with regard to insulation. Remember that brick houses and attached houses generally enjoy better insulation, while free-standing homes and wooden homes require greater attention. Finally, modern windows with double panes are an excellent investment when attempting to better insulate your home.


Drafts, or undesirable air currents passing through your room, can lower bedroom temperatures considerably in the winter. The most common cause of draftiness is improperly fitted windows. If your window is improperly fitted, a simple solution is to caulk around the edges of the frame. You may also wish to apply this technique to loose door frames or air vents. Draftiness can also be prevented in part by planting trees around your home. Mature trees block wind, which can dramatically reduce draftiness in your home.


Dampness in the bedroom not only contributes to coldness, but can also cause other problems such as rot and mildew. If your room is on the top floor of your house, make sure that no moisture is escaping through your ceiling. Dark spots on your ceiling are an indication of escaping moisture. If your bedroom is on the ground floor, water may seep from a basement or foundation through the floor. Leaky pipes are another common source of dampness. If you are experiencing these conditions, consider hiring a contractor to shore up your walls, floors or ceiling.

Tags: your bedroom, your home, your room, cold bedroom, improperly fitted, insulation common