Monday, November 16, 2009

Attach Cording To Dining Chairs

Cording is a basic way to spruce up a plain-looking chair.

If your dining room chairs look dull and plain and you're itching to do something about it, don't think that you need to commit to a big expenditure of time and money. In a perfect world, you'd be able to reupholster the chairs or buy brand new ones. Instead, attaching cording to the chairs you already have is a simple way to spruce them up. Cording, particularly thick or double welt cording, is also ideal for covering up flaws, nicks or staples on a chair.


1. Measure the part of the chair that you'd like to attach the cording to, such as the seat, or the seat and back.

2. Cut the appropriate length of cord, plus an extra inch just in case. Wrap the cord around the area you plan to attach it to and secure it in place with pins. Check the cord for evenness and straightness and adjust as necessary.

3. Remove a pin at one end of the chair. Lift this small section of cord and add a line of hot glue. Press the cord against the hot glue and replace the pins to ensure the cord doesn't slip.

4. Repeat with the rest of the cording on the chair. Allow the glue to set overnight before removing the pins and sitting in the chair.
