Friday, November 27, 2009

Drywall A Bathroom

There are differences in drywalling other parts of your house such as the living room or kitchen compared to your bathroom. Follow these easy steps to gettting your bathroom updated with no problems


1. First you are going to want to find the right drywall. Ask for the water resistant or moisture resistant drywall. This drywall is usually a green or purple or deep blue color because it is fortified with a product that will not let water penatrate like other drywalls. If you do not do this you will be replacing some pieces in your bathroom overtime.

2. Next you will start around the tub and work your way out. If you have a shower installed you will make sure to cover your phalanges when you are measuring for your piece. You will want to start the piece on half of a stud and ending on half of another, unless you are at the ending of that wall then you must put a whole piece on it.

3. Now you will measure your pieces and cut them, using a utility knife. First, get your measurement and snap a line. You then score a line on your cut line and gentle bend it back with your knee and cut the backside. You will then screw each piece individually keeping your screws about 6 inches apart all the way around. After you are done you will then mudd and you are ready to go.

Tags: your bathroom, piece will, will then