Thursday, March 5, 2009

Convert A Loft Into A Bedroom

Lofts are often nestled into the small space directly under the roof of a home.

A loft is a small upper floor or attic in a home directly under the roof. Some lofts do not have walls at all and sit under the A-shaped peak of the home's roof. Because of this, the middle of the space typically has the highest ceiling. This element of the space, along with others, must be taken into consideration when turning a loft into a bedroom area.


1. Place a bed at the back end of the room in the middle of the wall. If the home has a peaked roof, this should center the bed directly underneath the highest point in the ceiling to create a symmetrical design.

2. Put a nightstand on both sides of the bed about two inches away from the mattress so they do not get bumped when the bed is being slept in. The two nightstands are important for maintaining symmetry in the loft bedroom.

3. Put a lamp on both nightstands if the electrical outlets in the room allow for this. If not, place one table lamp on the nightstand nearest the closest electrical outlet. Again, the two lamps provide symmetry in the room's design.

4. Add a few personal comforts to the room such as paintings, a TV, a book shelf or even stuffed animals to make the bedroom your own. A bedroom is a place of retreat, usually meant to be a personal and private place. Because of this, having personalized d cor is important to make the room a comforting place in which to retreat after a long day.

Tags: Because this, directly under, directly under roof, under roof