Friday, October 18, 2013

Teen Girl Bedroom Ideas For Furniture

As a girl becomes a teenager, her tastes change. It's natural that she would want a bedroom that reflects that change. It is important that her individuality is reflected in her bedroom, but the room must also be functional. Choose a teenage girl's bedroom furniture carefully to utilize space and maximize storage.

Bean Bag Chair

A bean bag chair is a movable piece of furniture that provides extra seating for a teen girl's friends without taking up much space. Bean bag chairs are made in many different materials, shapes, and sizes to fit with any teen girl's room style and space. Suede, velvet, corduroy, and fur are just some of the many materials from which bean bag chairs are made. The chairs are typically filled with traditional beads or foam. Extra large bean bag chairs can serve as a sofa, providing seating for multiple guests.

Storage Bed

A storage bed creates additional storage. Instead of a typical bed frame that leaves unused space underneath the mattress, a storage bed has shelving or drawers that face out from under the mattress. A loft bed is a more elaborate storage bed, for it is multiple furniture pieces in one. It is like a bunk bed, but instead of a bottom bunk there is often a desk and bookshelves underneath. A loft bed is especially convenient in a bedroom where space is at a premium.


A desk is an important piece of furniture in any teen girl's bedroom. It is a dedicated homework area where she can keep her computer and school supplies, and ultimately stay better organized. Her desk can be as basic as a table, a few storage drawers, and a chair, or as elaborate as a desk with shelving from floor to ceiling and multiple work areas. No matter your budget and space constraints, be creative and you can make any desk functional and stylish.


A vanity space is a must-have in most teen girl bedrooms, especially if she does not have her own bathroom. You can purchase many types of mirrored vanities, or you can create one cheaply by repurposing a table or desk and adding a mirror, good lighting, and a stool or chair. Storage is essential to any vanity because makeup and hair products accumulate. Provide drawers or labeled baskets to contain clutter.

Tags: bean chairs, chairs made, girl bedroom, piece furniture, teen girl