Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Decorate The Top Of A Bedroom Wall Unit

Wall units are a wise place to store old toys and stuffed animals.

Placing decor on the top of your bedroom wall unit creates balance in the room. Leaving it empty may result in a large space that looks bare and dull. Wall units are particularly useful in small bedrooms because they reduce clutter and provide additional storage space. Large units may even cover the entire wall; therefore, it is an effective way to fill a blank wall in a spacious bedroom.


1. Pick decor that accentuates the theme in your bedding and wall art. For instance, if you have a Victorian style bedding and pictures, utilize Victorian decor like hand fans embellished with lace and pearls.

2. Add wall decals in the space above the wall unit. They are available in a wide variety of designs that work with any theme. Order custom-made decals that state an inspirational quote, your child's name or other statements you want on the wall space. The wall decals remove easily and some may be repositioned.

3. Display your collectibles in an attractive manner on the wall unit. Alternate tall and short pieces for the most pleasing look. If your collectibles are all approximately the same height, such as porcelain figurines, set them on old books to raise them to different heights.

4. Add two or more silk plants to the top of the unit, depending on the width of the furniture piece. Silk ferns or ivy add a touch of nature to the unit and drape well over the front. The greenery works with almost any bedroom theme.

5. Hang a narrow, horizontal mirror in the space above the wall unit. This brightens a dark room because the mirror reflects light.

6. Stash your child's collection of stuffed animals that she no longer plays with on the top of the wall unit. This is also an option for a teen or adult who cannot bear to part with her beloved collection.

Tags: wall unit, above wall, above wall unit, space above, space above wall, stuffed animals, unit This