Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Get Rid Of Callouses Under Dentures

Gum pain, soreness and callouses can be problems for denture wearers. Tender spots can be the result of dentures that fit poorly or that rub against the gums due to chewing food, clenching or teeth grinding. Your denture professional is the best person to consult to help you get rid of callouses under dentures.


1. Use denture creams or adhesives pending a trip to a denturist, advises Dentures.net. These drugstore products will bond the gum to the dentures, cushioning the gums and keeping your dentures in place. Alternately, denture cushions--small cotton pads soaxed in wax--can be inserted in the space where the denture meets the gum. The pads should be replaced daily.

2. Give your gums a rest. Dentures.net notes that the most effective method to promote healing is to avoid wearing dentures for a short time to give sore, calloused gums a breather. Gently bathe the gums with a warm, wet washcloth to avoid infections.

3. Let your denturist make the final decision as to remedy callouses. The American Dental Association notes that dentures can lose their fit due to the recession or shrinkage of bone and gum ridges, which in turn causes callouses, sores and infection. Your denturist may advise applying a temporary or semi-permanent liner to the underside of the denture to give the gums healing time. Flexible resin may be applied to the denture base to make dentures fit more snugly. As noted by dentures.net, the treatment depends on the condition of your mouth.

Tips Warnings

The ADA advises replacing old or ill-fitting dentures before they begin to cause callouses.

If dentures consistently slip, click or whistle, don't try to adjust your dentures using a home or drugstore remedy; see a dental professional instead.