Monday, August 12, 2013

Common Themes For Teenage Bedrooms

Bedroom design allows teenagers to express themselves.

Common teenage bedroom themes range from fashionista to graffiti park. Bedroom themes create a central focus of the room. This gives teenagers a chance to express their creativity. Through design, parents can provide their teenagers with the opportunity to personalize their space. As home design becomes more popular, the options available to homeowners increase. If you are familiar with the common themes of teenage bedrooms, you will be more prepared to assist with their design.


A fashion-themed room is perfect for the teen who is interested in fashion design. The most popular trend among fashion room decor is animal prints such as tiger, zebra and cheetah. This print is usually combined with a solid pastel color such as pink, blue or red. These colors and print can be used to accent bed treatment, chairs and rugs. This decor also utilizes lights and vanity mirrors. Fashion magazine clippings can be used as wall art.


A surf-themed room is ideal for teens who enjoy the ocean and surfing. The most popular trend among surf room decor is a relaxed Hawaiian design. Flowers and bamboo are combined to create a beach-like environment. The bed is treated with white or aquatic-themed linen. Accents such as ukuleles and palm trees can be placed around the room. Surfboards also add a dramatic touch.


A modern-themed room is ideal for almost any teenager. This room can be considered for many teens due to the amount of customization it allows for. It can be considered very artsy, and it calls for bright colors of any kind. It uses several geometric shapes, and the furniture should be made of stainless steel and metal. This room has a loft-like feel.


A photo-themed room caters to teens who have a significant appreciation for photo display or photography. This room focuses on the display of photographs of friends and family. The pictures may also be of vacations or special events. Photos in frames of different shapes and designs can be placed around the room. Some photos may be blown up and used as wall art or posters. If the teen is a photographer, use photo shoot equipment as accents.

Graffiti Park

A graffiti-themed room is best suited for the artistic teenager. This room allows the teenager to paint the walls. You can hire an artist to create designs and use skateboards as accents.

Tags: This room, around room, most popular, most popular trend, placed around