Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What Is The Correct Height For A Chandelier From A Dining Room Table

Hang a chandelier about 30 to 34 inches above your dining room table.

Chandeliers provide soft lighting over a dining room table to illuminate the room without creating harsh glare. Hang a chandelier far enough away from the dining table so it does not obstruct the view, but close enough to light the area well.

30 to 34 Inches

In general, hang a chandelier so the bottom of the fixture is about 30 to 34 inches above the surface of the table. This distance provides adequate clearance for tall centerpieces and visual lines across the table.

Tall Ceilings

Dining rooms with ceilings higher than 8 feet should have chandeliers hung a little higher over the table. In general, hang the chandelier an additional 3 inches above the table for every foot of ceiling height over 8 feet.

Chandelier Size

To be correctly proportioned to the room at its hanging height, the chandelier fixture height should be about one-fourth the total room height. To find this, measure the ceiling height in feet and multiply this by three to find the correct chandelier height in inches.

Tags: inches above, about inches, about inches above, ceiling height, dining room table