Monday, February 13, 2012

Organize A Bedroom Closet Efficiently

Many people complain that they have nothing to wear, but a glance through their bedroom closets tell a different story. Home to year-round clothing, shoes and accessories, this storage area can easily get out of control if not reigned in now and then.


1. Go through all clothing items in the closet placing each piece in one of three categories: keep, throw away or give away. Remove all items from the closet that won't be kept and place in boxes or bags for donation or throwing away.

2. Sort through shoes and keep only the ones that fit properly and that you still wear.

3. Unify the space by choosing one type of matching hanger for clothes. Identical wooden hangers or the same shade of a plastic variety are good choices.

4. Add hooks to the interior closet walls for hanging belts, scarves, ties, necklaces and bracelets.

5. Devise a system for organizing remaining items. Grouping clothing by season or type, such as shirts/pants/dresses/suits can help. Placing shoes according to use, such as exercise, casual and formal is helpful as well.
