Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bathroom Etiquette For Men

The men's room has its own unspoken set of rules that everyone should follow.

There isn't a lot of serious literature available on the topic of etiquette in the men's room, but many unspoken rules do exist. While many rules of the john seem like common sense to most guys, there will undoubtedly be times when you see people break these simple rules of courtesy in a public bathroom.

Don't Crowd The Urinals

A trip to the restroom should be a private thing. However, in a public men's room, this may not be entirely possible. One rule of the men's room when it comes to urinals is to keep your distance whenever possible. There should be a minimum of one empty urinal between every two men unless there are too many people to make this possible. The rule of thumb is to use the urinal as far away from an occupied space as possible. The first man to the urinal should choose one on the end of the line, the second should go to the opposite end and a third would proceed to the middle, with others filling in the spaces as needed.

No Looking

When it is unavoidable, there will be times when you are nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with another man relieving himself at a urinal. An often joked about, but serious, etiquette violation is the peek. Under no circumstances should one man look down in order to get a look at another man's private business. This violation of personal space may be met with various unwanted reactions.

In fact, it is a good policy to keep eyes forward while at the urinal and avoid any kind of eye contact with someone urinating next to your urinal. Even if you are with friends, the conversation can surely go on hold for a few seconds.


In some higher end restaurants or hotels, the men's room may be staffed with an attendant known as the bathroom valet. This person hands out towels as people finish washing up and may even squirt the soap for you or offer cologne, lotions or other products. This is a low-wage position that relies heavily on tips.

If you know you will be in a place that employs a bathroom valet, it is proper etiquette to have cash on hand in order to tip him. This service doesn't require a big tip necessarily, but putting a buck in the man's tip jar or directly in his hand is a classy move. If you are unfamiliar with the establishment and are surprised to find such an attendant in the restroom, you may not have cash on you. Simply tell him you aren't carrying cash and you'll get him next time.


The flush rule is a simple form of etiquette. If you use a urinal or toilet in a stall, then flush it. No one wants to use the facility that someone else fouled up, and you would expect the same. For those who don't want to touch the handle, remember that's what the sinks are for. Always wash your hands.

It's Not An Office

Refrain from conducting business in the stall. While you may have some time while sitting on the toilet, it is poor etiquette to spend the time having a conversation on your cell phone for the entire restroom audience to hear, especially if its crowded and someone is desperately waiting.

Tags: bathroom valet, have cash, possible rule, there will, times when, unspoken rules