Monday, April 5, 2010

Correct Way To Clean The Dining Room After A Meal

Dinner parties require careful planning. As a host, you must invite the guests, prepare enough food and set table appropriately so that your guests can have a good time. After a meal, you must clean the dining room properly to reduce bacteria and microorganisms that spread quickly in the presence of handled, dirty eating utensils and old food. Cleaning your dining room correctly also prevents vermin from going after food spills. Incorporating clean-up into your dinner party plans could keep you from becoming overwhelmed with the task at hand.


1. Remove dinnerware from table. Put plates, drinking utensils, flatware and serving dishes on a plastic utility cart or in a basin to keep from going back and forth the kitchen. Roll the cart into the kitchen as close to the dishwasher as possible for convenient loading.

2. Remove linens from the table for laundering. Shake table cloths, cloth napkins and place mats on the table to remove crumbs and food droppings. Place linens in a laundry basket and take the basket to the laundry room.

3. Fill a small dish pan or household cleaning bucket with warm soapy water. Soak an absorbent wash cloth in the water. Wring out the excess water from the cloth and wipe down the table and chairs. Hold a small trash can at the edge of the table catch crumbs and food droppings. Although warm water and soap clean home dining room tables sufficiently, you can turn your soap and water mixture into a mild sanitizer by adding 1/4 cup of distilled vinegar to the solution.

4. Pull back the chairs from the table. Line the chairs against the wall and vacuum or sweep under the table thoroughly. Return chairs to the position at the table and vacuum or sweep the rest of the dining room floor.

Tags: dining room, from table, crumbs food, crumbs food droppings, food droppings, from going