Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Arrange Your Bedroom

The way you arrange your furniture can change the whole feel of a room.

Arranging your bedroom furniture can be a challenge, particularly if you are working with large furniture pieces in a small space. Ideally, your bedroom should be your sanctuary, and the room should be arranged in a way that promotes the natural flow of the room and makes it a pleasant oasis for you to retire to at the end of the day. With just a few tweaks, any bedroom can be transformed, even if you don't have any design experience.


1. Arrange the bed first. Typically, the bed is the centerpiece of the room and the focal point. Ideally, your bed should be placed on an interior wall, particularly in colder climates where outside walls can get very cold. If the size of the bed will not allow this, try centering the bed between windows or under a window.

2. Add in bed tables. Even if you live alone, having two bed tables, one on either side of the bed, can center the room's design and make it appear balanced. Small lamps can be placed on the tables to bring height to the area.

3. Place the dresser near the closet. This arrangement can make it easier to get dressed in the morning. If this isn't possible in your room, place the dresser where it will anchor the bed, ideally opposite from the bed.

4. Walk around the room to gauge the amount of space left and to see if the room is balanced. If you have plenty of room to move around, you can a few more items, such as a television or baskets to hold blankets and throw pillows. If space is limited, keep furniture to a bare minimum, and utilize other areas in the home for storage. Stand in the doorway of the room and look in. Check to see if the room looks balanced, or if it needs something else to finish it off.

5. Add one accent piece to the room to tie everything together. Whether this accent is a favorite print over the bed, decorative throw pillows on the bed or a special item that holds meaning for you, put it in a place of prominence in the room. This will help finish off the design.

Tags: Ideally your, throw pillows, your bedroom