Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Crazy Bedroom Ideas

Your bedroom doesn't always need to be a place where you only sleep. You can use crazy bedroom ideas to make your bedroom into a remarkable place. A crazy bedroom idea can be anything from the color of the walls to the arrangement of the furniture. Having a crazy bedroom means you'll feel more at home, and the design will be original and inspiring for you and your family.

Crazy and Bold Paint

Your paint choices can easily transform a boring bedroom into a crazy one. Take a subtle and more "normal" color and paint all of the walls in your bedroom except for one. Then, take a bold and bright, although matching, color, and paint one wall. This wall then becomes a focal point and serves to give your bedroom an overall color scheme.

There are ways to use paint in other areas of your room too. Paint the ceiling a bright and beautiful color, or paint the trim of your bedroom something flashy. Paint the entire room---walls, floors and ceiling---in one bright and bold color. Try red or even black. You might also like to paint windows on a windowless wall, or paint a night sky on the ceiling.


Include the arrangement of your furniture into your crazy bedroom plan. Make your room at home feel more like a dorm. Try lofting your bed so that you are sleeping high up, and then put a sofa, a desk or your dresser under your bed. Another furniture arrangement idea is to take your bed and the other pieces of furniture and put them in the corner, facing out toward the center of your room. Although this means you have less space in the corners, it actually makes the room look bigger.

The way that you arrange your room can be even crazier. Putting the bed in the center of the room and having it be the only thing in the room creates a minimalist atmosphere. You might also take out the bed altogether and go with a mattress on the floor, a futon or a different piece of furniture on which to sleep.


There are other ways that you can have your bedroom be crazy. Think of a theme, and then try to incorporate it. You can have a restaurant-themed bedroom with a bar along the wall and a checkered bedspread on your bed. You might go for a nautical theme, painting the walls as if they are the hull of a boat and having your bed be in the corner. Add a hot tub to your bedroom for a rock-star type pad, or line the walls with wine bottles.

Tags: your bedroom, your room, color paint, bedroom into, crazy bedroom