Friday, October 19, 2012

Replace Bathroom Sink Plumbing

Replace Bathroom Sink Plumbing

Whether there is a leak in the drain or you just want to update, replacing bathroom sink plumbing can be an easy project to do yourself. Plus, it will save you money and give you a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from doing your own job.


1. Shut off all the water in the house and turn on all of the faucets so the pipes will drain. This is important because you don't want a mess to clean up after or during your project. Disconnect the water lines from the faucets. Cut the old pipe coming out of the wall with the pipe cutter. Make sure to leave at least an inch of pipe out of the wall.

2. Clean the old pipe with steel wool or sandpaper in the area where you are putting the new pipe. Make sure to clean the new pipe too. Put flex on the old pipe; this is what bonds the solder to the copper. Repeat on the other water line.

3. Measure the new pipe from the faucet to the shut off valve. Clean the shut off valve and the new pipe where you are going to solder it. Put the fitting that goes to the new faucet on the new copper pipe and dry fit it. Dry fitting is when you put the pipes together without soldering to make sure everything fits right.

4. Dry fit all connections to make sure they fit right. Take all of the new pipes and fittings apart one side at a time. Flex and solder all of the fittings that go from the new pipe to the sink. Put the new pipe on the shut off valve. Flex and solder it. Repeat on the other side. Wipe off with a cool rag. Turn the water back on and check for leaks.

Tags: shut valve, Bathroom Sink, Bathroom Sink Plumbing, Flex solder, Repeat other, Replace Bathroom