Friday, October 26, 2012

Change An Entertainment Cabinet Into A Bedroom Armoire

As consumers upgrade their televisions to newer, flat panel models, entertainment cabinets are no longer being used to hold a television. Instead of placing entertainment cabinets in a landfill, re-purpose and reuse them as a bedroom armoire. An armoire provides clean, covered storage to organize clothing and accessories. Transformed entertainment cabinets can be painted to match any room and customized for particular storage needs. Old, unwanted entertainment cabinets may be found for a cheap price at thrift stores and yard sales.


Change an Entertainment Center Into a Bedroom Armoire

1. Use the screwdriver to remove any shelves and hardware from the inside of the empty entertainment cabinet.

2. Measure the width of the cabinet to determine the length of rod needed.

3. Cut the rod to the length needed using the saw.

4. Measure and mark the placement for the mounting cups on either side of the interior of the cabinet.

5. Install the mounting cups at the marked location, screwing them in with the screwdriver. Make sure the cups are secure.

6. Place the rod into the mounting cups.

7. Prime and paint the interior and exterior surfaces, if desired. Allow to dry thoroughly before using to store clothing.

Tags: entertainment cabinets, mounting cups, Bedroom Armoire, Change Entertainment, Into Bedroom