Friday, September 28, 2012

Zen Bedroom Ideas

Zen Bedroom Ideas

Of all the rooms in your home, the bedroom should be most like a retreat. You can transform your bedroom into a sea of tranquillity by infusing it with elements of Zen decor. Spend a weekend cleaning out your room top to bottom to get rid of clutter and make it shine. Then you can integrate architectural features, finishes, furniture and accessories inspired by Zen style and philosophy.

Zen Color Scheme

Set the tone in your bedroom by introducing calm, peaceful colors. Muted blues and greens have a cool, soothing vibe that also make walls appear to recede. Faded earth tones and antique white lend an Asian fusion aesthetic. Natural materials and finishes also work well in a Zen bedroom. Consider leaving architectural features such as exposed ceiling beams, wall posts, wall panels, stone facing, hardwood floors or brick unpainted and unpolished for a rustic, natural look. Another option is to create a minimalist backdrop using neutrals such as white, cream, stone gray and soft poppy-seed black.

Zen Furnishings

Keep your Zen bedroom decor sleek and streamlined with low, modular pieces. Angular furniture frames made of wood or metal should have minimal ornamentation, allowing natural light to serve as a focal point. A platform bed frame with a simple futon mattress has casual elegance. Low Ottomans or storage cubes can function as night stands. Scatter floor cushions by a window to create a casual reading area. Long, slender cabinets or bookshelves can hold buckets or boxes for sorting and hiding belongings.

Zen Accessories

One of the tenets of Zen Buddhism is to simplify, so accessorize Zen decor with functionality and minimalism in mind. A rustic wooden floating shelf may hold a line of river stones to echo the look of a Zen garden. Lidded baskets with rough textures provide subtle color and texture while storing items. A simple sheer panel draped from the ceiling creates a canopy effect. A tri-fold Shoji screen with translucent paper panels permits natural light to filter through while acting as a window treatment or room divider. Place a cushion in front of a simple wooden platform to create a meditation corner. Overhead, a bouquet of paper or silk lanterns will provide ambient lighting and pops of color.

Tags: your bedroom, architectural features, Bedroom Ideas, natural light