Thursday, April 12, 2012

Paint Your Bathroom With Gray Stripes

Walls can have vertical or horizontal painted stripes.

Painting a bathroom with gray stripes helps give the room a look that resembles wallpaper. Bathrooms are typically small rooms, but that doesn't mean they can't have a large decorative impact. Painting stripes is not a difficult task and only requires a few basic supplies to do an attractive job. Different shades of gray create a monochromatic look to the bathroom, or you can use contrasting or complementary colors to give the bathroom a bold look.


1. Look at the bathroom wall and determine whether the existing color will complement the gray stripes. If not, cover the walls with a coordinating base color of paint. Silvery gray, hot pink, bold purple or even an off-white base coat will look attractive with gray stripes. Gray is a neutral color, so it will match practically any shade you desire.

2. Visit different homes and buildings that use stripes on the walls. This helps you decide whether you want to use vertical, horizontal, narrow or wide stripes. Vertical stripes make a ceiling appear taller and gives structure to boxy-looking rooms. Using horizontal stripes fools the eye into thinking the room is larger and the ceiling lower.

3. Measure the width you want your gray stripes. Keep in mind that wider stripes visually push the walls out and narrower stripes are perfect for small rooms, such as bathrooms, or one accent wall, but give a busy look to other rooms. Vertical stripes that are approximately 6 inches wide are a wise choice for most rooms. Horizontal stripes with a 12-inch width are attractive in most areas.

4. Place painter's or masking tape on the bathroom wall where you want the stripes and mark with a pencil. Use a tape measure and level to ensure that they are straight.

5. Fill in the space between the tape strips with your gray paint color. Allow the paint to dry completely before removing the tape strips.

Tags: gray stripes, bathroom wall, color will, small rooms, tape strips