Monday, March 19, 2012

Get Rid Of Ants In The Bathroom

Ridding your home of ants, especially if they are in a bathroom, can be a grueling task. By following the tried and true methods described in this article, you will be enjoying an ant-free home soon.


1. Do thorough cleaning. Give your ant ridden bathroom a thorough cleaning, from top to bottom. Scrub the floor around the sink, tub and toilet with a disinfectant cleaner. Remove all contents from drawers and cabinets then clean shelves with warm soapy water. Ants may be attracted to soaps, lotions or shampoos that have spilled out of their containers.

2. Spray. Spray the inside of drawers and cabinets with ant killer. A great, non-toxic brand to try is AntFree. Keep all doors open for at least an hour, to allow spray time to dry before replacing the cabinet's contents. Spray around the base of the bathroom walls, toilet and sink, as well.

3. Continue preventative measures. Soak cotton balls with lavender oil and leave in strategically placed areas. Spray or wipe the ant trail with the lavender oil also, this erases the ant's trial and the scent of the oil with deter ants. Keep refreshing oil every few days until ants are gone.

4. Use ant bait. If ants continue to be problematic, spread ant bait or use ant traps under the foundation of your home to stop the ants before they come in. Search under your home for a possible ant mound, if you are able to local one, spray ant killer into the mound.

5. Call the exterminator. After you have tried ridding the ants by using the steps provided, and are still not successful, you may have to resort to calling the exterminator. Having your house fumigated is a chore, so before the exterminator comes to your home, inquire about what he will do so that you will be prepared to leave your home if needed.

Tags: your home, drawers cabinets, thorough cleaning, with lavender