Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Set A Formal And Elegant Dining Table

When you are throwing a party or just want to give your table an elegant and formal look here is an easy way to do it.


1. First you want to choose a color palette that you want to follow through. Choose coordinating colors but not to many, remember less is more. If you have to many colors it can be overwhelming and look cluttered.

Choose a simple and pretty tablecloth. You can have the color be solid and then add in different coordinating colors when it comes to your plates and glasses. Or you can choose a simple patterned tablecloth and work with the colors in it, or a lace tablecloth, etc. You can also choose a long tablecloth that will drape all the way to the floor, hiding the legs of the table.

2. When shopping loo for discounted items or items on sale. You may think you have to spend a fortune on elegant items but that is not so. You can choose plain items and then dress them up with other items.

Add a pretty bouquet of flowers or other pretty centerpiece in the middle of the table. It does not have to be big or full of color. Sometimes a bouquet of flowers all in the same color can look very elegant and classy.

3. Set the plates you choose onto the table. Then place a cloth napkin on top or o the side of the plate. Consider adding a elegant napkin ring onto the napkin to add pretty look to your table.

Place the silverware that you will be using on the table next to each plate. Avoid over-cluttering the table by only placing the silverware that you will be using on the table.

4. Add some sparkle to the table by placing color tinted or plain goblets on the table. If you are serving more then one beverage to each person then place the wine goblet above the spoon and the water goblet above the knife. If you are only using one goblet then place it above the tip of the knife.

Set candles out around the table. You can place a selection of candles that look nice together and have different heights to add light and elegance to the table. When it comes to candle you can choose ones that match the hues of your color palette or simple white candles in pretty elegant candle holders.

5. Consider dressing up the chairs by simply using some coordinating colored ribbon to the back of the chairs. Just place it around the back of the chair and bring it down along the sides. It looks very nice and can bring the look together.

Tags: that will, above knife, bouquet flowers, color palette, coordinating colors, goblet above