Monday, April 11, 2011

Make Dining Chair Covers With Pillowcases

Put your pillowcase to new use as a simple slipcover.

Lots of homeowners look around their homes and feel bored or unimpressed by their belongings. It's common to feel slightly tired of your furniture every once and a while. However, that doesn't mean you have to run out and get all new furniture. Rather, you can take strategic moves to spruce up pieces of furniture that you have. For example, if your dining room chairs could use a splash of color, you can create slipcovers out of pillowcases.


1. Turn the pillowcase inside out. Slide the pillowcase along the back of the dining room chair.

2. Fold the top of the pillowcase over, so the case almost, but doesn't, touch the chair seats. Pin the crease to secure the pillowcase in this position. Insert a pin every inch or so along the fold.

3. Fold each side of the pillowcase equally so it creates a snug fit around the chair back. Pin your folds in place, inserting a pin every inch or so.

4. Sew these three sides in place with a sewing machine, removing the pins as you go. Use any stitch you like. Once you've stitched the sides together, cut away the excess fabric. Turn the pillowcase inside out, and it's ready for use.

Tags: dining room, every inch, pillowcase inside, Turn pillowcase, Turn pillowcase inside