Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Maintain Good Posture For Dining Etiquette

Good posture when dining helps promote confidence, aids in digestion and helps prevent you being the person everyone gossips about for poor etiquette at the end of the night. Good posture is a part of good etiquette and it's easy to achieve while dining with a few simple tips.


1. Scoot up to the table so there is little room between your stomach and the table. Press your back lightly against the back of the chair to prevent slouching.

2. Avoid crossing your legs beneath the table. This may lead to slouching and poor digestion. Plant your feet firmly on the ground or lightly cross your ankles beneath your chair. Avoid stretching your legs out before you and crossing your ankles, as this can lead to slouching.

3. Rest your forearm on the table if you're not actively dining or holding utensils. If you're holding a utensil with one hand, the other should go in your lap. You can also place your hands on your lap on top of your napkin.

4. Ask someone close to any objects you need, to pass them to you rather than reaching for the objects, ruining your good posture and etiquette.

Tags: crossing your, lead slouching, your ankles, your legs