Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clean Curling Burns From A Bathroom Counter

Curling irons can leave burns on countertops if left unsupervised

Bathroom countertops are susceptible to many different types of marks and stains due to substances, lotions and heated styling tools such as curling irons. While stains from makeup or lotion can be cleaned up fairly easily, marks left from burns created by a curling iron can be slightly more difficult to remove. With a bit of scrubbing and some basic household cleaning products, you can usually remove the mark from your countertop.


1. Apply a small amount of white toothpaste to the burn mark and allow it to dry. Dampen a small brush and scrub away the dried toothpaste. Wipe the area clean with a damp, soft cloth.

2. Gently scrub at the heat mark with 00-grade steel wool if toothpaste does not remove the burn mark.

3. Gently scrub with a 000-grade steel wool pad until the mark begins to disappear. Follow by scrubbing the area with a 0000-grade steel wool pad until the mark is gone and the surface is polished.

4. Apply a small amount of marble or granite polishing powder and rub gently into the surface if the countertop if the surface is made from marble or granite.

Tags: steel wool, Apply small, Apply small amount, burn mark, Gently scrub, marble granite