Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Children'S Pirate Bedroom Ideas

Children's Pirate Bedroom Ideas

As their children age, parents commonly acquiesce to their requests to redecorate their bedrooms. If your child has his heart set on a pirate-themed bedroom, you can help make that dream a reality with a few easy steps. According to UK Net Guide, parents should follow four simple rules for a redecoration project: Keep things simple, maximize storage, involve your children in the process, and stay realistic about the time and money required for the project. If you follow those rules and try these simple ideas, you can create a pirate-themed bedroom for your child.

Pirate Bedroom Furniture

Any good pirate bedroom needs a pirate-themed bed. If you need to stay within a budget, start with sheets with a simple nautical theme, such as anchors. For another inexpensive solution, decorate an existing headboard or footboard with imitation gold coins or other items.

If you plan to buy new furniture, look for a bed with a more obvious pirate theme. For example, you might find a bed shaped like a ship or a headboard and footboard with a nautical theme. See if you can find a set of bunk beds that look like a boat or that you can decorate to look like one. That way, your child can pretend that the top bunk is the crow's nest of their pirate ship. If you have a talent for carpentry, you can also build custom furniture for your child.

The Pirate Chest

Pirates need a place to store their loot, so create a treasure chest for your child's room. You could purchase an already decorated trunk, or you can re-purpose an unfinished or used chest. If you decide to decorate the trunk yourself, involve your child in the project. Decoration options include paint, words such as "Treasure Chest" and "Keep Out" or pirate-themed decals. Use the chest to store your child's toys, or fill it with items such as silky scarves, imitation jewelry and plastic "gold" items to represent riches.

The Finishing Touches

Creating a pirate-themed bedroom for your child really has to do with the small details. Start with the obvious by purchasing or making a pirate costume. When not in use, the shirt, hat or eye patch can be hung from the headboard of your child's bed. Buy several stuffed parrots, and place them around the room. You could even buy or make a peg leg and prop it against the wall.

For another simple but effective decoration, buy a large piece of netting. Cut it to size (slightly smaller than the size of one wall without much furniture). Nail the netting to the wall. You can then hang any items you want from the netting. This doubles as a pirate-themed decoration and a creative way to hold photos, small toys or anything else you would like to display.

Tags: your child, pirate-themed bedroom, Bedroom Ideas, bedroom your, bedroom your child, child Pirate, Children Pirate