Thursday, March 4, 2010

Measure Fabric For Reupholstering Dining Chairs

Reupholster dining chairs to update the decor.

Reupholstering dining chairs breathes new life to the pieces of furniture while working with their existing frames. Whether you want to update the look of your dining room or replace damaged or stained fabric, reupholstering the chairs is a straightforward procedure that you can complete yourself instead of hiring a professional. Before you visit a fabric store, take accurate measurements of the different parts of the chair to arrive at the amount of fabric you need to purchase.


1. Draw a rough diagram of the chair so you can label the parts you will cover with fabric. Include every part that is upholstered, no matter how small. Dining chairs vary in style and shape, so double check the diagram with the dining chair to ensure it is as accurate as possible.

2. Measure the length and width of the inner back of the chair. Place the tip of the tape measure along the edge of the back and extend it all the way down to the lower edge. Note the measurement on the diagram. Also measure the width of the inner back along its widest point and record the measurement. Add 6 inches to the measurements for seam allowances.

3. Measure the length and width of the chair's outer back along its longest and widest points. Record the findings on paper, along with 6 inches for seams.

4. Measure the length and width of the seat and note the measurements. For slightly oval or angular seats, take the measurements along the longest and widest points to arrive at the accurate figures. Include 6 inches for seam allowances for each measurement before noting it on the diagram.

5. Total the sum of each chair section on the paper. Divide the finding by 1,296 -- inches in a square yard -- to arrive at the yardage you need. Whenever required, round measurements to the nearest half yard.

Tags: length width, Measure length, Measure length width, along longest, along longest widest, back along