Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Always Keep Your Bathroom Shower Sparkling Clean

Spray glass shower doors every day to keep scum away.

Every time we take a shower or bath, we contribute to the soap residue that builds up on the tub, tiles, enclosure or shower curtains. After the soap scum builds up it is difficult and time-consuming to remove. Get your bath and shower clean with natural, inexpensive solutions and resolve to keep it that way by giving the bath or shower a scrub after you're through with yours.


1. Prevent soap scum buildup in your bath or shower. Rinse the tub and tiles with warm water after each shower or bath to prevent scum and calcium deposits from hard water. After rinsing the soap residue off, use a dry terry cloth or other soft cloth to wipe glass doors, shower wall, and shower curtains.

2. Keep your bath and shower sparkling clean. Mix 1 part vinegar to 1 part water, warm in the microwave and pour into a spray bottle. The warmth will help soften the soap scum and calcium deposits making the acetic acid in the vinegar more effective. Allow the solution to sit for 10 to 15 minutes then rinse. As it dries, the vinegar smell will dissipate.

3. Give your showerheads a vinegar bath to get rid of mineral deposits. Pour 1/4 to 1/2 cup of vinegar into a food storage bag. Tie the bag around the showerhead with a twist tie so the head is submerged in the vinegar. Let the showerhead soak for at least two hours or overnight. Rinse and wipe.

4. Harness the abrasive, deodorizing power of baking soda. Make a paste with water and baking soda to scrub away a dirty bathtub ring and scour vanities.

Tags: bath shower, soap scum, your bath, your bath shower, baking soda