Monday, March 29, 2010

Arrange A Tv Armoire In Your Bedroom

A TV armoire does dual duty in the bedroom by hiding your TV in plain sight and offering more storage for DVDs, electronic components, bed linens or clothing. To get the most out of your TV armoire, arrange it for the best possible viewing and simply close the doors when you want the television out of sight. Place your armoire on furniture sliders or casters to make the move easier and avoid injuring yourself or damaging the floor or furniture.


1. Find the cable input and power source. These practical considerations must come first. If your room has a shortage of electrical outlets, you may be limited in terms of furniture arrangement. If the armoire simply won't fit near an outlet, you can use an extension cord to get power to the TV, but an extension cord running through the room can be a tripping hazard and an eyesore. If you must use an extension cord, run it only along the wall, not across the room. You may also need an extension to reach the cable input.

2. Place the armoire against the wall opposite from your bed, or wherever you want to be while watching TV. Placing it at the foot of your bed allows you to watch TV and movies while sitting or lying on your back in bed, rather than watching with your neck turned or lying on your side so that you are seeing the screen sideways. If you have a couch or chair that you use to TV watching in your bedroom, put the armoire against the wall opposite from that spot.

3. Arrange the furniture to avoid obstacles. An armoire is a large piece of furniture so you don't want it to interfere with the flow of the room. Don't let it block high traffic areas of the room, and take into account that the armoire doors will be open while you are watch the TV inside. Try not to let the open doors block the room's doorways, windows or other furniture.

4. Consider the distance of the armoire to the bed. You need a buffer area between the foot of the bed and the armoire that allows plenty of space to walk and open the doors and drawers. If you have a very large bedroom and placing the bed and TV armoire against opposite walls, considering arranging your furniture with the bed in the center of the room or away from the wall with a deep storage headboard behind it.

Tags: armoire against, extension cord, against wall, against wall opposite, armoire against wall