Thursday, February 28, 2013

Install A Selfrimming Bathroom Sink Into An Old Countertop

Self-rimming sinks are easy to install.

Self-rimming bathroom sinks are among the most common sink designs. They are available in a variety of materials, including cast iron, porcelain and stainless steel. Self-rimming bathroom sinks are easy to install in existing countertops. The sink rests directly on the countertop, with a number of sink fasteners used to hold the sink in place.


1. Trace a cut-line onto the countertop with a pencil. Most sink manufactures provide a template to mark the cut-line. Position the template on the countertop and trace a line around the edge of the template with a pencil. If no template is available, rest the sink upside down onto the countertop and trace a line around the edge of the sink. Lift the sink away from the countertop, then trace a second line approximately 3/4-inch inside the first traced line.

2. Drill a 3/8-inch pilot hole just inside the line you've drawn on the countertop. The purpose of the pilot hole is to provide an access point for the saw blade to enter to start the cut.

3. Cut along the traced line with a reciprocating saber saw. If a template of the sink was not available, use the saber saw to cut along the inner line.

4. Insert the sink into the opening of the countertop to make sure the sink fits into the cut space. Ensure that the entire lip of the sink rests flat against the countertop. Trim the countertop in small increments with the saber saw if necessary.

5. Attach the sink's rim fasteners to the bottom of the sink. Self-rimming sinks utilize a number of fasteners to secure the sink to the countertop from underneath the sink. Note that each sink fastener has a single bolt with a slot in the bolt's head. The design of the bolt allows it to be tightened with either a nut driver or a flathead screwdriver. The bolt on each fastener is used to press against the bottom of the sink, so position each fastener with the bolt facing the sink. The hooked portion of the fastener clips onto channels which surround the lip of the sink. Hook the fasteners to the channels and use either a nut driver or a screwdriver to tighten the bolt on each fastener to complete the installation.

Tags: each fastener, around edge, bathroom sinks, bolt each, bolt each fastener, bottom sink