Monday, April 20, 2009

Tips For Public Restrooms

Be prepared in case you have to use a public restroom.

Most people will find that they have to use a public restroom at some time or another. Whether it be at work, at a restaurant or when you're at the mall, sometimes you may have no option but to use one even though they have a reputation for being an unsanitary way to relieve yourself. However, there are a number of things you can do to make the experience less unpleasant and ensure you avoid picking up those lurking germs when you pay a visit to a public restroom.

Be Prepared Before You Leave The House

If you know you are going to be using a public restroom, particularly if you are in a foreign county that has poor levels of sanitation, pack some toilet tissues in case there aren't any in the restroom, some wet wipes to clean the toilet seat, some toilet seat covers and some antibacterial hand sanitizer in case the facility doesn't provide water and liquid soap to wash your hands.

Choosing the Right Stall to Use

Check the toilet stall before you enter. If there is toilet paper all over the floor, urine on the seats or the toilet is blocked, choose another one. Also, check if there is toilet tissue available and that you have somewhere to hang your coat and other belongings so you don't have to put them on the floor.

Keep Your Hands Clean

Unfortunately, not everyone washes their hands, so use a tissue to open and close any doors, flush the toilet and turn off a running tap. There is no point washing your hands thoroughly if you then touch surfaces in the restroom that people who haven't washed their hands have touched.

Choose Your Restroom Wisely

If possible, choose a restroom that you know is cleaned regularly. You can check this by looking on the entrance door, which should have a notice stating when the restroom was last cleaned. Alternatively, use a restroom that is not visited very often, for example, this could be one on a less-busy floor of your office or an out-of-the-way area of your mall. Avoid portable toilets whenever possible because these are usually frequented often but rarely cleaned.

Tags: public restroom, restroom that, have public, have public restroom, restroom some, some toilet, their hands