Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Refinish A Teak Dining Table

Refinishing a teak dining table will restore its original luster. While outdoor teak furniture may become grayish with time, indoor furniture will retain much of its natural, golden color. In either case, refinishing is a project that will recapture the dining table's natural beauty.



1. Put a drop cloth down around the work area.

2. Open windows in work area.

3. Wipe down table surface with a soft rag.

4. Put on goggles and dust mask.


5. Use an orbital sander with fine-gauge sandpaper and sand lightly, using a circular motion.

6. Sand table until original, golden hue appears.

7. For difficult spots, sand evenly and carefully by hand.

Applying Oil

8. After sanding, wipe down surface with soft rag to remove dust.

9. Apply oil to soft rag and work into wood in circular motion. Work one, small section at a time until oil is absorbed.

10. Repeat Step 2 until wood stops absorbing oil.

11. Allow table to dry completely (preferably overnight)and then buff with a soft rag.

Tags: with soft, circular motion, dining table, surface with, surface with soft, work area