Friday, June 3, 2011

Paint A Bedroom In A Beach Theme

Use the colors of the beach as your palette.

One way to make summer last all year is to create a beach-themed bedroom. By creating a beach atmosphere, your bedroom can become a sanctuary and a haven from a hard day's work. Start from an inspirational photo of your favorite beach scene. Using colors from your photo--the blues of the ocean and sky, and the sand color of the beach--choose the appropriate paint colors. Decide what walls should be what color. Keep the lighting of the room in mind. You'll have a beach-themed room in no time.


1. Tape the ceiling's edges with painter's tape. Lay down tarp along the entire floor. Tape tarp edges along the floor to keep paint off the carpeting or hardwood floors.

2. Pour just enough paint into the paint pans for your rollers. Make sure the roller has an even amount of paint to start painting. Keep your paintbrushes nearby for details and corners.

3. Paint one even layer on each wall. Use paintbrushes to paint in corners and the edges. Don't use too much tape on the edge, even with painter's tape, as the paint can bleed through. Blend the paintbrush strokes into the work done with the roller. Let each layer of paint dry completely. If necessary, paint second or third coats until the desired effect is achieved.

Tags: painter tape, with painter, with painter tape