Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bathroom Lighting For The Vision Impaired

Visually impaired people can benefit from special bathroom lighting.

Strategically placed bathroom lighting for visually impaired people is an important aspect of having a safe bathroom area. There are many different types of lighting that can aid a person with low vision in the bathroom. Certain brands carry specialized lighting for visually impaired people. Technological advancements in lighting continue to help people with low vision move around their homes with ease.

Bathroom Safety

The bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in the home for visually impaired people. Bathing and showering can pose dangerous hazards, as can maneuvering around sinks and toilet areas. Low Vision advises several adaptations to help make the bathroom a safer place for the visually impaired, including wall soap dispensers and brightly colored grab bars. Special bathroom lighting remains one of the best ways to assist visually impaired people in the bathroom.

Types of Lighting

Many types of lighting can assist a visually impaired person in the bathroom. According to Electrical Contractor Magazine, task lights, rope lights, dimmers and shower lights are all examples of lighting that help keep visually impaired people safe in their bathrooms. Task lights are placed in strategic locations, like under the sink, inside linen closets and inside cabinets. Shower lights can be placed into the ceiling over the tub. Motion-detecting rope lighting helps the visually impaired use the bathroom at night. Dimmers work for night visits to the bathroom as well.

New Technology

Several technological advances in recent years have aided the visually impaired community. Bathroom lighting that utilizes bright white LED (light-emitting diodes) is a significantly better choice for the visually impaired. The minimal glare of LED and high contrast aids a person with low vision to see detail more clearly.

Brands and Pricing

Design Pro produces the Ottlite® DesignPro Floor Lamp with 508 Illumination. This floor lamp can be placed in a standard-sized bathroom, and, according to Ottlite, the lamp provides a "precise balance of contrast and brightness to make reading and seeing easier." The Ottlite lamp sells for $159.99 in 2010.

Bathroom Tips

Path lights, placed on the floor between the bedroom and bathroom, can help assist visually impaired people in getting to the bathroom late at night. It is important to have lights that are able to adjust to surrounding light and remain dim in the bathroom during late night hours. This will help the visually impaired to readjust their eyes back to the darkness of their bedroom. Some other adjustments a visually impaired person can make to the bathroom include putting colored tape around the tub, using brightly colored soap (so that it is visible if it drops) and using low-vision toothbrushes with black bristles.

Tags: visually impaired, impaired people, visually impaired people, visually impaired, assist visually, assist visually impaired, lighting that