Monday, June 6, 2011

Fill Dead Space In A Dining Room

Dead space can make a room feel cold and bare.

A dining room is a place for gathering, entertaining, social events, fun and laughter. However, a large room with excess dead space can make a room feel cold and uninviting. Fill up the dead space in the dining area and transform it into a welcoming and relaxing room, perfect for dinner parties with friends or just relaxing with the family.


1. Stand a tall potted plant in the corner of the room. A tall, thin plant such as a Dracaena has narrow, upward-pointing leaves, making it ideal for a smaller room, whereas a wider-spread plant such as member of the palm family is more suited to a larger room. Alternatively, use a tall stand with a small plant on top. If you don't have the time to maintain living plants, use artificial ones.

2. Place a small accent table in the dead space and display items such as a collection of small plants in colorful pots, artificial or real fruit displays, candles, or flowers--either fresh cut or artificial. When using artificial flowers, fill a tall glass vase with glass pebbles and place the flowers inside for an attractive display.

3. Create an interesting tablescape on a small table. Lay a table runner along the center of the table and arrange a collection of items such as flowers, candles and glass pebbles. Rearrange the colors and items to complement the time of year. For example, add pumpkins and pine cones for a fall tablescape, holly and white and silver candles for an icy winter effect, fresh-cut flowers and Easter eggs for springtime, and seashells and scattered craft flowers for summertime.

4. Incorporate a globe bar into the room for after-dinner drinks. A globe bar is especially suited to an opulent dining room decorated with dark woods and rich textures. For a more modern approach, use a small accent table and display drinks in decanters with a small selection of glasses arranged neatly on place mats.

5. Attach corner shelves to display decorative items. A candle, a framed family photograph, a decorative tea cup and figurines are just a few ideas.

6. Use tall carved wooden figurines. Totem poles, carved animals, African carvings and modern sculptures all create very different looks. Choose something that creates the vibe you desire or matches the theme or decor already present in the room.

Tags: accent table, dead space, dining room, feel cold, glass pebbles, items such