Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bedroom Makeover Games For Boys

Let your son help with his room makeover.

Rethinking a little boy's room can liven up furniture, spice up the walls and add elements of fun and functionality. Think about what you want to change about your sons room---is it too messy or could it use a stronger theme than the color blue? There are many projects from painting to creating furniture that you and your son can do together to give him the bedroom of his dreams.

Throw Some Ideas Around

Get rid of toys he doesn't play with anymore.

For a makeover in tidiness, make it fun for your boy to keep his room clean. Hang a basketball hoop over a hamper for a sports theme that will keep socks and underwear off the floor. Add several fun touches to make the room an enjoyable hangout for a little boy and a place that needs less cleaning from mom. Keep bins under the bed so that junk can't be shoved underneath and lost forever.

Give your son incentive to get rid of toys he no longer needs. Keep a large colorful bin next to the door; every time he fills it with toys to donate, give him a treat. Opt for a less tangible treat---like a day at the beach or a trip to a museum---to avoid buying more toys that will end up taking up space in the closet or on the floor.

Walls You Can Draw On

With a chalk wall, your son can color on the walls without getting in trouble.

If your boy likes to create things, consider making one wall whatever he wants it to be. You can use several affordable materials to create a wall of fun. Try Chalkboard paint. The paint turns the wall into a working chalkboard where he can write or erase messages and drawings with chalk. For a similar effect that does not involve painting, try a roll of white board paper. Available at most art supply stores and sold by the roll, this paper can turn a large surface into a whiteboard, good for thousands of games of dry erase tic-tac-toe, hangman or any other creative game.

Make Your Own Furniture

Change around existing furniture to suggest a theme.

For a boy who has a specific hobby he enjoys, consider working with him to make a piece of furniture. For instance, turn a plain old beanbag chair into a baseball or football with a homemade cover and some dark yarn stitching. Or turn a boring wooden toy chest into a pirate's treasure chest. Adding a theme to a room can liven up surroundings and provide a fun activity that you and your son can do together.

Tags: room liven, that will, that your, that your together, your together