Monday, August 23, 2010

Create An Italian Bedroom

Do you crave the warmth, romance and sophistication of Italian design? Do you want to bring back fond memories of a semester in Tuscany, conjure sweet dreams of sun-drenched villas or just capture a little bit of the elegance of "Roman Holiday" for yourself? Italian style is hard to pin down, unapologetically borrowing all the best elements of its European and Mediterranean neighbors, but two things are a given: warm, vibrant colors and impeccable attention to craftsmanship. Keep those things in mind, and you'll be well on your way to creating the Italian bedroom of your dreams.


1. Lay the groundwork. Italians are not fond of wall-to-wall carpeting. Marble, parquet or especially terracotta tiles are the flooring of choice. Most home improvement stores offer these or look-alike reproductions for a variety of budgets.

2. Color your world. Italian design is based on warm, earthy tones. Choose burnt reds, vibrant yellows and delicious eggplant shades for your bedding. Hang rich tapestry drapes around your windows. Banish white walls and try ragging them to replicate the look of old plaster---roll on a warm hue, then apply a deeper shade over the top to give the illusion of texture.

3. Mix and match your furniture. Italian rooms are allowed to evolve over time. Try pairing an ultra-modern bed with a shabby leather armchair, an eighteenth-century reproduction vanity with art-deco lamps. Whatever you do don't buy a matched set; if you already own one, move some of the pieces into a different room.

4. Accessorize artfully. Italians pride themselves on their quality artisans, and their decorating features everyday items that have been crafted with excruciating care. Hang majolica plates on the wall above the dresser. Place a copper pot full of fragrant rosemary on the table next to the bed. Display silver candle sticks in front of a scarred thrift-store mirror with a wrought-iron frame.

5. Set the mood. Create a warm, romantic atmosphere with pink-tinged light bulbs and flickering candles. Drape a cushy mohair throw over a supple leather chair. Put on an Andrea Boccelli CD, pour yourself a glass of wine, and relax in your new Italian bedroom.

Tags: Italian bedroom, Italian design