Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Use The Right Silverware For Dining Etiquette

Many people become overwhelmed when sitting down at a table with multiple forks, spoons and knives. One false step and you've committed an etiquette faux pas. But using the right silverware when dining is actually easier than you would think; when in doubt, begin with the silverware farthest away from the plate and work your way in.


1. Watch for the butter knife. This knife tends to be in a different place depending on who set the table and the dining etiquette they're using. It may be next to your forks or it may be on your bread plate.

2. Utilize the salad fork on the left side of the plate, next to the napkin when served a salad. Unless you're dining European style, the salad comes out first.

3. Use a soup spoon for soup. It's the spoon next to the knives on the right side of the plate.

4. Pick up the fork closest to the plate when the entree arrives.

5. Cut meats in the entree with the dinner knife. The dinner knife is next to the soup spoon and closest to the plate.

6. Check out the dessert silverware at the top of your entree plate when served your dessert. Your dessert silverware may appear with your dessert, depending on who's serving you. There may also be a spoon for your coffee placed at the top of the plate with the dessert silverware.

Tags: dessert silverware, soup spoon, closest plate, dinner knife, plate when