Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ideas For Small Basement Bedroom Decor

A fold-out couch provides seating when it is not being used as a bed.

Basements are not available in every home, but those houses that have basements often use them for additional family rooms or a couple of small bedrooms. Using careful planning, a small basement bedroom does not have to lack in visual appeal just because the d cor must also be functional.


Lighting in basements is vital to the functionality of a room, because basements tend to have minimal windows and less natural light. Because basements do not have the option of tall or vaulted ceilings, light fixtures must stay within close proximity to the basement ceiling. Track lights or recessed lights are suitable in small basement bedrooms because they take up the least amount of space and cast light over multiple areas. Install either light option so the entire room is lit and focus a few of the lights on areas that require a large amount of light such as a desk or wardrobe.


Keeping paint colors on walls and on the bedroom furniture a light color helps the room appear larger by reflecting the most cast light. You are not limited to just white or ivory, so experiment with other light shades such as yellow or blue. Consider painting one or two walls a light shade and keeping the other walls white or ivory or incorporate large, multi-colored stripes in complementary light tones such as tan and beige for a more decorative approach.


Small basement bedrooms may not have built-in closets so incorporate shallow wardrobes that give you the same clothing storage options--hanging and folding--while taking up less space. Find a wardrobe with a frosted glass front so the wardrobe appears to have depth and does not mimic a solid wall, which keeps the room looking visually larger.

Using dual purpose furniture such as a work desk that folds out into a larger table allows you to use it as an ironing board or breakfast table. Another example of dual purpose furniture is a couch that folds out into a bed. This piece of furniture works well if the small basement bedroom is used as an in-law suite, because the bedroom is usable as an office until your guests arrive, and it becomes a bedroom by folding out the couch into a bed.


Tall bookcases are suitable storage spaces and double as display shelves. Purchase decorative storage bins that fit into some of the bookcase spaces and fill them with items you do not want out in the open or objects that are not easy to stack. These items can include socks, office supplies and hair products. If the bedroom is an in-law suite, place the bedding blankets and bathroom towels in the bin for easy access for your guests.

Tags: small basement, basement bedroom, basement bedrooms, cast light, dual purpose, dual purpose furniture, folds into