Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Paint A Bedroom With Modern Colors

Modern color schemes incorporate minimalist uses of black and white.

Modern color schemes for bedrooms combine elements of neutrality and bold uses of color. Modern bedrooms can reinvent a more classic color scheme, experiment with minimalist neutral shades, or incorporate patterns or stencils in accent walls. The goal of a modern color scheme is to maintain the function of a bedroom as a personal space for sleep and relaxation while incorporating a stylist aesthetic that speaks to current trends of color, texture and pattern.

Color Palettes

Modern color schemes include several categories of color palettes. Because modern style values simplicity and lack of clutter, paint color is one of the areas that can create visual interest in the absence of stylized furniture or other room accessories. Create visual interest by complementing a neutral color like a warm brown with a bright color like robin's egg or sky blue. Update minimalist style by using a black and white color scheme that is punctuated by a muted neon accent wall in a lime green or yellow color. Borrow from current environmentalist trends by creating a color scheme of olive green, tan and yellow to create a space that is comforting without being full. Avoid pastels, saturated colors and several colors of the same color family.

Space Considerations

Though walls will be the most prominent display of color in a bedroom, there are several other paintable surfaces to consider. Make use of trim and molding by painting it in a bright color like red or green to add interest to an otherwise simple room. Select one accent color for the door and window frames; sky blues will contrast pale yellow, while orange trim will complement purple or blue rooms. Coordinate all the doors in the room; the closet and entry doors should be painted in a complementary color to the walls so they visually stand out in the room. The ceiling can also be painted; consider painting the ceiling gray or light blue, but remember that painting the ceiling a dark color will make the room feel smaller.

Patterns and Shapes

Modern bedrooms update traditional stencils by swapping out floral detailing for large, bold geometric shapes and patterns. Choose the wall behind the bed to serve as an accent wall. Use painter's tape to mark off a large circle, lines or swirls. Paint the design in a contrasting color to the walls. For instance, a cool gray wall will be highlighted with large yellow circles or bubbles. Alternatively, choose a wall that is free of bedroom furniture to be the canvas for wide stripes. Start at one corner of the wall and use painter's tape to mark off wide vertical stripes that decrease in width to the midpoint in the wall. Paint the stripes inside the painter's tape in a complementary color and peel the tape away after the paint has dried. Experiment with patterns and shapes by using free-hand drawing techniques or by printing out a design on a transparency and using a projector to project it onto the wall for tracing.

Tags: color scheme, color like, color schemes, Modern color schemes, painter tape, accent wall