Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Instructions On Build A Dining Table

A dining room table can give your guests a place to enjoy a nice meal.

Often, people cannot afford to buy new furniture after spending the money to move out on their own. By using simple instructions, you can build a dining room table. Not only are you saving money by building it yourself, you are ridding yourself of the pesky problem of where to sit and have meals in your new place.


1. Place the two 72-inch long pieces of 2 by 4 and the two 33-inch long pieces of 2 by 4 on a flat surface, laying all the pieces on their 2-inch sides. Build a rectangular frame with the piece of 2 by 4, laying the 33-inch pieces in between the 72-inch pieces. Attach the pieces of the frame using the drill by driving two screws per side through the 72-inch pieces into the ends of the 33-inch pieces.

2. Measure out 36 inches on the 72-inch side, starting from one end and moving toward the center. Place the remaining piece of 33-inch long 2 by 4 inside the frame at this location in the center. This piece forms the cross beam for the table. Screw this piece into place by driving a couple screws through the frame, into the ends of the cross beam.

3. Place the pieces of 4 by 4 perpendicular to the frame, so that one piece is standing up at each corner of the frame and at opposite sides of the cross brace. These are the table legs. Screw the legs to the frame by driving two screws through the frame into each leg. Turn the table over, resting it on the table legs.

4. Place the piece of 36-inch by 72-inch plywood on the top of the open rectangle, and attach it to the frame by driving screws, spaced 4 to 6 inches apart, through the top of the table into the frame. Cover the table with a table cloth, and you are ready to serve your first meal on your new table.

Tags: driving screws, 33-inch long, 33-inch pieces, 72-inch pieces, cross beam, dining room, dining room table