Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fix A Crack In A Glass Dining Table

Fixing cracked glass is nearly impossible. However, some cracks can be mended, with the right circumstances. If you have a crack on a dining room table, you can stop it from cracking further by using the right adhesive. Only repair the crack if it's small, though, less than 1 inch and along the edge of the table. A long crack or one toward the center is too weak and will not get enough support from the adhesive; therefore, for safety reasons, avoid attempting to repair this type of crack.


1. Clean the table top with a glass cleaner to remove any grease or dirt. Wipe dry with paper towel.

2. Mix a 2-part epoxy resin together according to the package instructions. Some adhesives mix automatically when the tube's plunger is depressed, simplifying the task.

3. Spread a thin line of the adhesive into the crack on both sides of the glass. Ensure the epoxy gets into the crack as far as possible.

4. Leave the epoxy to cure according to package instructions. This can take several days, depending on the epoxy.

5. Scrape off any excess epoxy with a razor blade by holding it flat against the glass surface.

Tags: according package, according package instructions, into crack, package instructions